11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How can I add GREEN to MetaMask?

    If you see the alert or warning when adding GREEN CHAIN network to metamask, this behavior is expected as MetaMask does not verify custom networks.

    "MetaMask does not verify custom networks, and even if MetaMask’s validation checks out, the network could be malicious or misrepresented by the website that requested it."

    To resolve this, the recommended approach is to add the chain to the Chainlist database at chainlist.wtf / chainlist.org. This ensures proper identification of the network and its legitimacy. However, please note that this process may take some time, we hope to solve this before the mainnet launch.

    For more information, refer to the official MetaMask support documentation: ref: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360057142392-Verifying-custom-network-information

  2. Where can I find the Green Chain Block Explorer?

  3. How do I start mining on Green Chain?

  4. What is the total supply of GREEN?

    • Please refer to the coinnomics section for details on the total supply of GREEN coins.

  5. How to contact GREEN CHAIN team?

    • You can email us at contact@greenchain.app

Last updated